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A Critical, Third Party Review of MLM Trainer Eric Worre

A Critical, Third Party Review of MLM Trainer Eric Worre

A Background on Eric Worre:

I first got a chance to meet Eric Worre in my first successful experience in MLM. Eric was one of the ‘Big Three’ leaders in the company I was involved with him in.

Mr. Worre is a unique person, to put it mildly, and always was an interesting person to be in business with. On the stage of major conventions, Eric tends to ask questions an listen more than he speaks. He plays the part of a celebrity interviewer, asking questions to clarify points that allow the finer points of Network Marketing success to come through in a way that otherwise would remain in darkness.

Eric Worre is a FANTASTIC leader, and I encourage you to get familiar with his training as much as you can.

So how does Eric Worre build his business?

Eric follows a traditional, word of mouth business model, and he reduces his training down to the simplest possible steps for his team. It’s hard to actually get Mr. Worre to train on anything other than 3 way calls, home meetings, and weekly events.

He won’t do it. In fact, I don’t know if he would remember this, but I heard him talking one day about how he keeps things ridiculously simple, and so I was around him later that day at a training convention, and I questioned him, attempting my best to get him to be complicated. He simply wouldn’t do it.

Eric will drill again and again ‘keep it simple’. Before I met him, I came from a long list of uplines and teams that seemed to try and build a business in the most complicated way they possibly could. (Which was horribly frustrating, because I didn’t know what I was doing)..

So are Eric’s business building techniques effective for all people?

Eric is one that freely admits that they simply do not. If you take a look at the facts over the last 60 years of MLM, it’s clear to most leaders that all training doesn’t work for everybody. Simply put – there are thousands of various ways to build a MLM business that are effective for different kinds of personalities.

Eric’s system gave me my first success in MLM, getting me over the initial hump of making more than a few thousand dollars a month – and I did it the traditional way through meetings, super saturdays, etc.

If I’m honest, though, it was hard for most people to learn and use Eric’s system. We were all a bunch of broke 25 year old college dropouts, and although I had a fairly large group (over 1000 people), that system simply doesn’t work well at all for my previous peer group. Quite simply, if I ever wanted to get my income over $5,000 a month in Eric’s group, I would have had to join the Chamber Of Commerce, go to Church 3X a week, maybe join The Rotary Club, and any other social group I could get involved with where I could meet people who had a larger sphere of influence than my own.

Also, I discovered after a time that I simply don’t enjoy spending all of my free time at meetings, on conference calls, and prospecting strangers. While I love to speak, the pressure in that group to do meetings every week and fill a huge room of people was enormous. I wanted a better way to do things, plain and simple (that I actually enjoyed).

So should you just forget anything that Eric’s ever said? Just so you know – Eric’s system was the first way I made money in Network Marketing. I simply will not be content with a measly five grand a month, however, and so I began searching for a more powerful, streamlined business system

…then I found cyperspace. It took some effort, training, and practice, but I learned how to promote myself online. Not only is it way more fun than all of that stuff I used to do, it works WAY better as well.

It was an empowering transformation (as you can imagine) when I started having people call me up, begging me to get involved in my business.

Simply put, does Eric Worre’s training work? Yes – But you know what? I would never, ever build a business in that way again. Simply put, I don’t care how much money that way would make me. After a time, I found out that it is just way more fun to market and promote yourself in a way that is attractive, fun, and empowering – sponsoring people who WANT to know what you do for a living..

I would not have it be any other way.

However, I’ve experienced the exact opposite. My income grew by five times in my first six months of online promotion.Today I consistently bring in 20-50 reps per month into my opportunity, and they are all REQUESTING to join.