The Brummets began writing professionally back in 1999 and wanted to use this as a tool for sparking positive change and motivating readers to lead more proactive lives. ?According to Lillian: ??”?Poetry has the unique application of allowing the writer to express their own hopes, dreams or pain, and to explore creative use of words, rhythms, fantasy, truths and rhymes?”.
T?he couple? team?ed? up ?to share their poetry in ?the book Rhythm & Rhyme. Their different writing styles are at their best in this incredible? collection – celebrating nature, questioning society, expressing grief and embracing love.? ?Some of the poetry in this book reflects on the emotional turmoil of ailing parents, long-term caregiving, the gut-wrenching waiting period of knowing the end is coming, and eventual grief of their passing. Other poems speak about the strange emptiness that is left when old wounds are healed. You’ll also find poems that celebrate life, ?music, ?love, animals and nature.
Keep The Change? – by D Brummet?
Looking out my window at the silent park
Rain is streaming down through the misty dark
I’d sit and have a smoke
But I don’t have a light
Don’t even feel like
Going on the town tonight
Went back to my hometown nothing seemed the same
Had a look around but I knew no one by name
Fields have sprouted buildings
The roads have thickened up
With the flow of frantic traffic
That doesn’t seem to stop
Its not the same, as time moves on
Things will evolve, right or wrong
There is no choice for you to make
No other path for fate to take
But you can choose
To keep the change
You can keep the change
Try to do finances, but I can’t get it through my head
That if I don’t succeed I’ll have nothing when I’m dead
Keepin’ up with the Joneses
No time to stop and play
How can you be a kid again
If you have to grow up today
Looking out my porthole where there used to be a park
The nozzles spray some moisture, the lights go out at dark
If I go out they’ll find me
And try to make me right
So I stay here in my cubicle
And hide throughout the night
Camping Holiday? – By L Brummet?
Showering sounds of
Pouring water
Moving ’round rocks and branches
Like flames ’round logs
Knocking boulders
Drowning out all other sound
Except rustling wind
Through boughs where
Birds shout and play
And the echoing response
Like chimes in my heart?.?
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