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Learning to Play Piano

Learning to Play Piano

Learning to play piano begin with the basic elements of music consisting of notes, intervals, chords, scales, and modes. This is accomplished by developing the ears and eyes to identify musical patterns, the brain to interpret the sensory information, which then guides the fingers to play the correct keys on the piano.

Learning to play piano is like speaking in public. You are nervous until you develop a level of confidence. Learning to play piano is about learning to press the right keys to produce the sound you want. I personally believe it is equally important to read music and play it, to hear the music and play it (play by ear), to improvise (produce new music on the keys), to memorize (play from memory), and also, to be able to compose and transpose (play the same passage in another key).

Learning To Play Piano is a long-term endeavour which teaches you the skill of practice and perseverance, something that is rare in today’s society. If this is applied, you will get enjoyment and satisfaction from seeing your efforts turn into achievements. Learning to play piano is the best introduction to music your child could have, as all skills learned can be applied to any instrument.

It’s important to understand that it will not matter what you do to learn piano, if you do not apply yourself to learning, or devote some time each day to practicing, you will never become really good at playing the piano.

Practice requires a recurring time commitment, and is very important, even if it may not hold the same excitement that it did in the beginning. You will need to renew your commitment to improving your playing, set long term goals that you can look forward to reaching as your playing gets better, and find piano music that really interests you to play so that you can recapture some of that interest in your dedication to practicing what you have learned.

Learning to play piano is more than just playing the notes. There can be no better way to begin to speak the “language of music”, as opposed simply to knowing the vocabulary, than to immerse yourself in it, also learning to play piano will improve upon a young child’s coordination skills. Unlike many other instruments, the piano requires both hands to independently maneuver the keys.

Learning to play piano can be achieved by anyone that is willing to try it. Like any other skill, piano playing requires patience, practice and the ability to have fun.

There’s an awesome online piano course that gives you the skills to be able to learn to play the songs YOU want, and gives you theory in a way that’s fun and easy to remember. This online program is “Rocket Piano” Rocket Piano is a complete piano learning system, and contains everything you need to know to play piano. And it is easy to follow , it is all laid out in a step-by-step method.

With Rocket Piano’s method of learning the intricacies of music theory and how it works, you’ll be hooked! Rocket Piano was created by the same people who developed the internet’s best selling, pioneering Jamorama software for guitarists. With their new product for aspiring pianists, they have once again set a new standard for online self tuition. It contains Step-by-step Piano Lessons (supported by video and audio files) organized into 3 high quality books taking you on a journey from beginner to advanced in your piano playing. These piano lessons are awesome!

Always remember, learning to play piano can be achieved by anyone that is willing to try it. Like any other skill, piano playing requires patience, practice and the ability to have fun.