We are quite happy with the use of loofah as our essential bath accessory. But, do you know how loofahs originated or how must you can use them to extract the maximal benefits? Needless to say, the bath experiences wouldn’t have been the same with loofah sponges. You would be really surprised to know that sponges hailing from the Demosponge class have been used to add the helmets of soldiers, as cleansing aids and for decorating and painting as well.
The natural loofahs might look exactly like the bathroom counterparts but they aren’t the same. The loofah that we use to scrub our bodies is actually a subtropical gourd belonging to genus Luffa. The plants resemble giant cucumbers and are harvested all throughout the year in tropical countries.
Know the Using Techniques of a Loofah
- It goes without saying that regular exfoliation of the skin with loofah helps keep the dirt and bacteria away, thus bringing about a fresh and supple look. Loofahs are mostly stiff and quite fibrous for use. So, choose the loofah that is a little soft (not harsh) for your face. In case the loofah is still rough, soak it in warm water till it softens.
- Squeeze the excess water from the loofah after soaking it in warm water. Apply your favorite soap or facial wash on the loofah and rub it thoroughly with hand.
- Rub your neck, face, and nape gently with the loofah, applying little pressure wherever necessary to remove the dead skin cells. Avoid loofah use around the eyes or nose.
- Rinse with cold fresh water and pat dry for a fresh and glowing facial skin.
- Apply shower gel or body wash on your loofah and scrub the body in a circular motion. Press mildly to get rid of the dead skin cells.
- Pay special heed to places which have rough skin patches. Regular and repeated use of loofah on rough and coarser skin areas would just help it to become smooth and soft.
- Rinse your body with cold water and pat dry with a clean towel.
- Try the Bamboo Loofah Full Body Scrubber. It’s quite gentle on sensitive skin.
How is Loofah Good for Your Skin?
- Loofah helps with deep cleaning and helps you to get rid of clingy and uninvited guests like germs, bacteria, and dirt particles on a regular basis. Thanks to the net like structures of the loofah, the grime and dirt are all rubbed out leaving your skin to glow.
- Loofah assists you getting an effective exfoliation by removing all the dead skin cells successfully. The loofah unlike the myths is quite soft and gentle on your skin and helps bring about that young feel to it.
- A softly rubbed loofah would help you to clean all the sweat pores, thus making your skin soft and smooth just like the ones are shown in the commercials.
- A good loofah massage is also known to drain out all the stored anxiety and stress. Also, the loofah use and rubbing the skin is believed to accelerate the blood flow and circulation giving you an amazing and enviable skin.
How Do I Take Care of My Loofah or Flannel?
- Hang the loofah and flannel after you have thoroughly washed it under the running water, and make sure it dries well.
- In case you have you shaved your legs and hands, try avoiding the use of loofah or flannel as the bacteria might freely enter your skin through cuts and bruises.
- Avoid using loofah or flannel on your genitals or face.
- It doesn’t matter what loofah or flannel you are using, but clean it every week and keep it soaked in a diluted bleach solution for about 5 minutes.
- In case you are using a natural loofah, replace it every month, but if you use the plastic ones, you can keep it for two months. If you notice mold growing on the loofah, get it replaced right away.
With the right tips and guidelines, loofah and flannels can really prove to be effective for skin care.
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