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Roxette and Their XXX Years Musical Journey, Keeps London Singing All Night

Roxette and Their XXX Years Musical Journey, Keeps London Singing All Night

I have been waiting to see Roxette live for more than 15 years, and last night I have finally lived my dream. And boy what a night it was. I got my tickets bought from November, paid a small fortune, as they where front seats, but it was worth every penny spent. No need to say that I have reached there early (annoying my dear wife a bit), but I did not want to miss a thing. OK enough about me, let’s get to real story and actor’s of the night.

The show started with the Swedish group Eskobar, I was a bit put off as initially, as the O2 Arena was almost half-empty. They tried their best to get some attention from the public for more than half an hour. The only Eskobar tune that draw my attention was “It’s a good day to die”, but for me and all others It was a night to live. So after 30 min of Eskobar, the O2 was finally fill up, and a magic evening was just about to start.

The gig started with ‘Sleeping in my Car’, the crowd was already on their feet, I never really liked that song, but that is just a personal opinion. It was followed by ‘The Big L’ and the clapping and singing was getting better and better. “Stars” was next, on these one not all crowd seemed to know the lyrics, but they kept on going with the band. Then at ‘Spending my time’ it felt like is going to take O2 Arena roof off when Marie let the public leading towards the song. ‘Crash!Boom! Bang!’ was a bit of a surprise as it was introduced by Per, with Marie joining afterwards, for me that will always be a Marie song, no offence Per. ‘Crush on you’ got also a better reception then I was expecting. I like the song don’t get me wrong, but I always thought that it could have done better in the charts. The newest song performed ‘She’s Got Nothing On (But The Radio)’ was another concert success story.

‘The heart shaped sea’ was introduced by Per, while he was joking with Magnus on each other favorite Roxette album. Per said that Magnuss favorite album was ‘Have a nice day’, Magnuss denied saying that his favorite is ‘Balladas en Espanol’. A special mention for Dea, youngest member who did a great job helping Marie when she needed, and also put a good piano performance on ‘Water Colours in the Rain’. I was busy clapping, singing, photo-shooting and getting anxious while waiting for ‘Joyride’.

I have not read the program before the show, so I had no idea of the schedule. While waiting for Joyride, I begin to wonder, why “The look” was missing. No need to mention that all these time there was not a single soul seating down. Sorry, let me get back to the show, as it was time for ‘Fading like a flower’, the singing from both sides was got better and better. The one who was going to get the best reception was “How do you do”, it felt like it was a clapping contest through entire duration of the song. The ‘Pretty Woman’ lead song “It must have been love” was introduced by Per, but it need no introduction at all. ‘Dressed for success’ made me wonder about Per’s real age, as he was running all around the stage, while you could see on his face that he was enjoying the public contribution to the show. Marie also looked very happy, and she did reward us with an amazing performance. By the time that ‘Dangerous’ kicked I already started to wish that the night would never end. Suddenly it was time for the great ‘Joyride’, buy then I was already giving up on my camera, and try to use the best out my phone for recording. And that seemed to be the end, but I knew that I want to see a bit more, so I have joined all the other and start yelling “ROXETTE”, as loud as I could after one hour of singing. After few minutes my favorite band was back on stage.

‘Listen to Your Heart’ with a very long goodbye from Marie, (she looked gorgeous in white by the way) seemed to be the end, but no I was once again proved wrong, as ‘The Look’, was the one that would end the show and the night, as it was sung on the tube stairs by one of the London amateurs singers. A London evening that will always remain in my heart.