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Why I Recommend Submitting Articles On Squidoo

Why I Recommend Submitting Articles On Squidoo

The standard literature on Search Engine Optimization says that you can get some good SEO for your site and get possible traffic if you write some articles and post them on the Internet. I found out that a site called Squidoo was one of the two mentioned as being a good place to post articles. I joined Squidoo a month ago and have enjoyed it a good deal. I would join all over again and I might even do it if I didn’t think I had anything to gain in SEO.

Squidoo claims to have millions of pages of content written by their guests. They call these pages lenses. The lens, web page, gets its name from the idea that your article gives people a lens to look in on a new topic that you might want to learn more about. Lenses can be about anything but are restricted by a few normal rules and codes on decency and safe web content. Beyond that, Squidoo asks that you put your lens into either a G rated or an R rated category. There are many lenses written by people who have a great amount of knowledge on various hobbies and even business interests. Music, cooking, work at home and SEO are some of the topics that can be found on Squidoo.

The platform on Squidoo is broken up into various modules depending on what you want to do with your article. There are modules which give you a text block, a pull quote, table of contents, photo gallery, Flicker integration, Video integration through YouTube and about 8 other video sites. There are also modules which allow you to feature products from Amazon.com which will give you a percentage for any sales. Their are other advertisements that you can choose to allow on your lens. So you can either write your lens just for fun or you can become an affiliate of Amazon and earn money. This is all easy because there is no signing up and filling out forms with Amazon. You don’t have to paste in code or anything like that. Just plug in one of about 3 Amazon modules, choose your products and you are off to the races.

As far as a social site it is not as personal as Facebook. You may go around and comment on other person’s lenses, like them and add then to your lens roll. Their is not the intense need to add or approve friends like on Facebook, nor is there the constant onslaught of silly games, hearts or Farmville requests. It is possible to make friends on Squidoo but it is in a more subtle manner.

I have really enjoyed posting articles to Squidoo. The competition is fierce for a high page rank. Many people have claimed to have used Squidoo to obtain backlinks to their business websites. With the vast numbers of lenses on Squidoo it will take some doing to achieve a high rank for your new lens. There are techniques to getting a highly ranked page and good writing is one of the most important. It will take a number of visits and “likes” (votes) in order for your lens to climb. This all adds to the fun. I have enjoyed using Squidoo and would give it a high rank from my standpoint.